Saturday, November 22, 2008


After a very long and weary day of travel (the 1st of 3 flights began at 6 am), our first full day in beautiful Montserrat was a welcoming and appreciated reprieve.

When we landed at Montserrat's Gerald Airport following an awesome short fight on a 7-seater plane - one of our fellow flyers was "the Guv-nah" of Montserrat! - we were in awe of what we saw.

Green hills, blue skies, and a smoky volcano along the skyline. Our taxi driver, George "the everyday" Christian as dubbed by the locals, drove us up and down, 'round and 'round, pointing out the sights and points of interest. I was almost too tired to enjoy it, but upon arrival to our private villa 'Tan Ry Doon," I couldn't hide my excitement! It was dark by the time we arrived, but the gorgeous plants, trees, and scenery were very much evident. The villa itself was cozy, quaint, and lovely.

We cracked a bottle of red, plugged in the iPod, and made dinner. Afterward, we sat on the balcony with our wine and talked while admiring the stars and listening to the waves crash upon the coast down below. As long as it took us to get there, it was completely worth it.

Before hitting the hay (with cute mosquito netting surrounding us), we danced in the bedroom to Colin Hay's 'Beautiful World.' My, my, my, it’s a beautiful world...

Boy, is it ever... :o)

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